Our Values

Gospel-Centered Rhythms

We value regular practices of worship that open our hearts up to Jesus. We prioritize these rhythms not out of religious duty but out of a desire to encounter the living Jesus in our daily lives.


Radical Hospitality

The good news of Jesus is radically inclusive. Since Jesus has welcomed us, we desire to be a people who welcome others into our homes and hearts without reservation.


Empowered Membership

The Holy Spirit empowers each member as a priest in household of God. As a result, we encourage and empower our members to do the work of the ministry by the power of the Spirit of the living Jesus.


City Renewal

Jesus loves people and Midtown is full of people. In following Him, we desire to give of ourselves to our community through telling others about him and practical works of service. We want to be such a blessing to the city that if we ever shut our doors, Midtown would notice.

Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Our vision is to see the weak, wounded, and wayward of Midtown Harrisburg encounter the living Jesus so that their lives and this city are renewed by the good news of his grace.

Our Mission

We pursue this vision through the mission of gathering to worship Jesus, living in community shaped by Jesus, and showing mercy to our neighbors because of Jesus.